Only removing the wallpaper in the living room, or should we change the entire floor at once?
Are you bored of slammin
doors? Whether the problem is small or large, we take care of it.
Tuottaako mestarin etsiminen päänvaivaa? Rakentavat rakennusmestarit palveluksessanne.
Tunnemme arjen paineet... Etsitään teille sopivin aika kalenterista. Meidän kanssa ei tarvitse stressata!
Our services comprehensively covers the work of the above-mentioned categories.
If you didn't find the service you were looking for, you can contact us in the way you see fit.
As an individual, you can deduct 35% of the work part of our services.
Omavastuu 150€ / vuosi / henkilö
Kotitalousvähennyksen maksimi 1600€ / vuosi / henkilö
Laskussa työn osuus on 1000€. Kotitalousvähennys saadaan laskukaavalla (1000€ * 0.35)-150€.
In this case, you get a total household deduction of 200€, which is taken into account in the taxation of earnings
and capital income.
Read more on the website of the Tax Administration here, or make a household deduction here..
We are a domestic, service-oriented and competent company with extensive experience in various tasks and projects in the construction industry. The cornerstone of our operation is a relaxed and cheerful service without compromising on efficiency or quality.
Palvelumme kattavat työt kodin korjauksista aina kokonaisvaltaisiin huoneistoremontteihin. Tarjoamme myös käytännönläheistä ja osaavaa vastaavaa työnjohtoa.
By using our services, we guarantee smooth cooperation and a high-quality end result.
Are you interested in construction?
Do you feel you are our missing piece?
We are constantly looking for enthusiastic people to join our team.
You can send us a free-form application to